Bauchi 2023: Shopping for competent leaders

When a state lacks proper management, economic stability and poor monetary policy for certain period of time, then the state is said to be in a comatose and by all indications, Bauchi state suffers managerial disorganization and administrative collapse.

The way and manner Bauchi state’s debt profile increases by day without proper infrastructure to service these debts in future is worrisome most especially at a time when the government struggles to pay salaries and put power houses to life.

The reality of dearth of quality leadership plus the seemingly insurmountable challenges created by the desperation of very few selfish individuals among us put Bauchi state on a rusty wheel of economic growth and effective governance. Ordinarily, a sane clime won’t summon the services of incapable, inept people to lead a state like Bauchi in a time of economic crisis that require the commitment of competent people with proven integrity and zeal to render selfless services. The most pressing issue in Bauchi state is the issue of the rise in unemployment most especially between the age bracket of 18 to 35 years that continuously give birth to all sort of criminalities across the state.

There is high demand for competent leaders across the country, some states are truly fortuitous because their leaders are trying in discharging their official duties. But still, there is need for fresh people with new modus operandi to handle the activities of the state differently with what we have now. We need people with new ideas from diverse field of professions to urgently inject their gifts and revive this comatose economy that is constantly dragging us to an unknown destination.

Today, people cry loud with a sonorous voice in Bauchi state. Regretting the decision of inviting vultures to dine on their state’s treasury. This itch in the heart can only be subsided in the next two years when it is time to make the real change. We no longer yearn for competent people, we only implore people with historical background of being the real citizens something that conflict with the direction of economic growth and development. That is why whenever they emerge victorious at the polls they shy away from the reality. With competent leaders Bauchi State will emerge the most economically viable state in the north. Bauchi breeds sound and intelligent people in all walks of life who are well familiar with the realm and reality of digital age.

Sadly, what we have today is heartbreaking, they climbed masses’ dreams to convey them to public offices holding rope of promises that whet the appetite of the electorates with the expectations that they will perform to their expectation but ended up turning the government’s coffers into their personal fiefdom. Notwithstanding, we will continue to enlighten the public most especially the downtrodden who are the majority of voters on the importance of voting competent people who will lead the state to the land of prosperity.

On the other hand, good people with big heart should also join politics, the only way to bring succor to our people is by introducing new people to the system so that we will get rid of those constant failures. Leadership is all about serving your gifts to the people, working for the people and putting everything in order to build a better world. There has to be someone somewhere who can initiate change, nothing would ever improve without competent leaders.

We have so many moribund industries but they have been dead for decades now. We need someone with leadership prowess to revive them. We have fertile virgin-land which if efficiently put to use we would record rapid improvement in food and economic activities. The information technology is another opportunity to leverage on so as to block all leakages in the civil service thereby leapfrogging this stagnant economy.

In this era of leadership crisis, we will continue to do our best to contribute our quota in building a better world. Therefore, it is a collective task to shop for people with good character and talents to move Bauchi state forward.

By Comr Doji Doji on 13th December, 2020

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