The order for the suspension of congregational prayers still imposed- Bauchi Govt

Bauchi state government has declared that, the order for the suspension of jumaat prayer and sunday services is still imposed.

The Senior Special Assistant on Media to the state Governor, Comrade Muktar Gidado announced this while briefing Government House Correspondents in his office.

The Governor’s Media Aide said suspension of Tarawihi and Tahajjud prayers as well as Ittigaf in this holy month of Ramadan was also still imposed.

According to him, already, Governor Bala Mohammed has apologised for all the inconveniences the order may caused to the people of the state.

” I want to inform the general public that the order or directive by the state government particularly on the conduct of Ramadan Tafsir and other ibadat, observance of jumaat prayer and sunday service is still imposed.

“As you are aware, His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Bauchi state, has pleaded with the people of the state for their outstanding as all the steps taken are to curtail the spread of COVID-19 pandemic in the state.

” In my capacity as Senior Special Assistant on Media to the Governor, I reiterated this order, people should adhere to the order imposed by the government. “

Comrade Mukhtar Gidado therefore stressed the need for citizens of the state to join hands with the administration of Governor Bala Mohammed in its efforts to tackle and curb the spread of the virus by adhering strictly to the order imposed.

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