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Wase is peaceful, can’t harbour terrorist says, youth president

The attention of Wase Township Youths’ Association (WATYA) has been drawn to very weighty allegations made by the Chairman of Langtang North local government area, Mr Joshua Ubandoma over what he termed as the “influx of terrorists” to Langtang North and South and Kadarko axis of Wase Local Government Area of Plateau state.
In the said address, he alleged that the so-called terrorists were seen coming with the intention to attack his people through Wase.

Ordinarily, we would not have responded to this alarmist of a Chairman if he had not mentioned Wase in his theatrics.
To set the record straight, Wase is a first-generation Local Government in Nigeria with its structures intact and no part of it has been leased to any of the Langtangs such that a Langtang man would be talking about Kadarko District of Wase LGA.

Secondly, that the so-called terrorists were coming through Wase with the intention to attack Langtang North and South is purely baseless and borne out of a grand conspiracy to return the Southern zone to a state of restlessness. This stance is further buttressed by confirmation of the Divisional Police Officer (DPO), the commandant of Forward Operation Base (FOB) Wase, Divisional Officer of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps and the other security agencies in Wase that there is no part of Wase LGA occupied by terrorists on transit or permanent basis.

Thirdly, it is our opinion that unless Mr Ubandoma wants to fly the kite of truncating the peace being enjoyed in the Southern zone, the most peaceful zone on the Plateau and coincidentally where the Governor Rt. Hon Simon Bako Lalong hails from in order to discredit HE’s government, there was no need for that drama.
We, therefore, call on the peace-loving people of Wase LGA, Southern zone and Plateau state as a whole to disregard these lies cooked in the pit of hell by merchants of crises, assist the Lalong-led administration in preaching and practising peace and go about their normal businesses.

Finally, we should reiterate that Mr Joshua Ubandoma should desist from talking about Wase LGA as it is not under his jurisdiction. The LGA has a Chairman in the person Dr. Ado Abubakar Buba who is statutorily its Chief Security Officer who receives security briefings from all the agencies in the Wase on daily basis.

Danasabe Badamasi D.
WATYA President.

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